Payment Widget
The Payment Widget enables customers to conveniently pay for products using cryptocurrency. Our system allows you to pay with almost any existing token. The widget offers a seamless, 'one-click' payment experience—customers simply choose the token and chain they wish to use for payment, without the need to manually input the payment amount.
Use Case Example:
- You add your desired products to the shopping cart.
- Enter the required customer information.
- Select the 'Pay with crypto' payment option.
- Click 'Complete payment' on the Payment Widget.
- Once the payment is processed, a receipt is generated.
- Afterward, you are redirected to the store's 'Thank You' page after the payment is completed.
How to Use the Payment Widget
1. Open Your Shopping Cart
Go to the online store's cart where your selected products are listed.
2. Choose Crypto Payment
Select the 'Pay with crypto' option at checkout.
3. Connect Your Crypto Wallet
Connect your crypto wallet to proceed with payment.

4. Select 'WalletConnect' to proceed with connecting your crypto wallet

5. Open your crypto wallet app and scan the QR code to proceed
Verify and confirm the payment through your wallet.

6. After a successful connection, all subsequent steps will need to be approved on your mobile device
7. Select Chain and Token
Choose the blockchain network (chain) and token you wish to use for payment.

8. Confirm Payment
Verify and confirm* the payment through your wallet.
*You will be redirected to your selected crypto wallet app. After successful connection, return to the browser if necessary.

9. Wait for Processing
Wait for the transaction to be processed. This may take a few moments.
10. Return to the Shop
After clicking 'Return to the shop,' you will be redirected to the store's 'Thank You' page, completing the purchase.
This simplified process ensures an efficient and user-friendly crypto payment experience, enhancing the convenience of shopping with digital currencies.