Integration Guide

Integration Guide

1. Setup

2. Making Requests

For more detailed information, visit the API Reference (Swagger) (opens in a new tab) directly.

Base URL


To use the PayDeFi API, you must obtain an API key by signing up on the PayDeFi (opens in a new tab) website. Include this API key in the Authorization header of your requests.


Webhook Payload Verification

Every payment status update request includes a Paydefi-Signature header. This header contains the SHA256 HMAC signature of the raw request payload, computed using your webhook secret as the key.


Verify HMAC Signature

To verify the signature you have to:

  • Get your secret key by visiting Webhook settings page (opens in a new tab).
  • Get signature from Paydefi-Signature header.
  • Get the payload. It should be the raw body of the HTTP request, formatted as a JSON string. Any change in the payload could invalidate the signature, so it must be captured exactly as it arrives.

Implementation Example

const crypto = require("node:crypto");
verifySignature(signature, payload, secret) {
  // Create a new HMAC object using the secret key and the SHA256 hash algorithm
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", secret).update(payload);
  // Generate the hexadecimal HMAC signature
  const computedSignature = hmac.digest("hex");
  // Compare the computed signature with the given signature
  return computedSignature === signature;
// Example values
const signature = "received_signature" // Replace "received_signature" with the signature you get from Paydefi-Signature header.
const payload = '{"orderId":"123","status":"ACCEPTED","paymentId":"234"}' // Example payload. Ensure it is raw as received.
const secret = "your_webhook_secret" // Replace "your_webhook_secret" with secret you received from
const isValid = verifySignature(signature, payload, secret);
console.log("Signature is valid: ", isValid);


1. Create a Payment

Initiate a new payment request.


POST /payments

Request Body:

orderIdstringYesUnique identifier for the payment.
fiatCurrencystringYesThe currency code for fiat currency (e.g., USD, EUR).
fiatPricenumberYesThe amount in fiat currency.
sourcestringYesThe source identifier for the payment.
descriptionstringNoOrder description.
redirectUrlstringNoURL that the user can use to return to your website.

Request Example:

  "orderId": "kitten-1",
  "fiatCurrency": "USD",
  "fiatPrice": 10,
  "description": "white cat",
  "source": "Cats store",
  "redirectUrl": "on_success_redirect_url"


Response FieldTypeDescription
paymentUrlstringURL where the payment has been generated.
paymentIdstringUnique identifier for the payment.

Response Example:

  "data": {
    "paymentUrl": "{PAYMENT_ID}",
    "paymentId": "{PAYMENT_ID}"

2. Get Payment Status

Retrieve the status of an existing payment.


GET /payments/{payment_id};

Path Parameters:

idstringYesThe unique identifier for the payment.

Response :

statusstringCurrent status of the payment.

Response Example:

  "status": "PENDING"